Creating a Climate for Writers


Welcome Back Everybody.  Today is our last Blog.

The topic for this week Blog is “Creating a Climate for Writers.”

When a butterfly egg is hatched in a proper environment,

It has everything needed to thrive.

When a child enters the writing world,

He has everything he needs to become an effective author.

In a student centered classroom, the climate must be conducive to writing. It should be comfortable and an exciting place for any student author. Lessons should include activities that motivate and challenge the young authors. In addition, strategies, materials, and tools are used to intrigue the writers. The students feel secure in taking risks with their ideas and skills during writing exercises. They understand the value of writing to learn and communicate ideas. They view their mistakes as opportunities to improve. Where the teacher will take the time out to guide, provide feedback and allow them to work at their own pace. In doing this, the writing experiences provide opportunities for the students to see themselves as authors and will develop a deep appreciation for writing.

To encourage students to write and create a writing environment, teachers must display positive slogans, charts, posters and other visuals to capture their attention. Therefore, this provide an exciting writing environment, so the student looks forward to the activities.

Build anticipation into the experiences, so the learner will be eager to work with new topics. Use “unknowns” to intrigue and stimulate curiosity. Use materials related to the content to build interest and motivate the writer. Such as col tools like brushes, clay, glitter, crayons, play dough, markers and sand. They can also use material magic which includes fabric, construction paper, chalkboard, charts, design paper and cards. These materials can be low cost or no cost materials. The size and shape should fit the students own individual. The uniqueness of each individual’s writing is emphasized.

To conclude, if students are expose to a safe, positive, fun and exciting writing environment, they will instill self-efficacy where they will believe in their self. In addition, they will develop self- regulation where their thoughts would be metacognition and develop internal motivation, where they will be self-determine, enthusiasm, and desire to achieve. Two of the strongest motivators are interest and curiosity. The teacher’s excitement for learning subject matter is contagious. Intrinsic motivation is a key factor in developing a self-motivated, self-directed writer. When students become self-directed or self-motivated, optimal learning occurs. Teachers must fuel the learners’ motivation to generate and maintain their internal drive and zest for writing.



  1. It is important for us as teachers to have the right classroom atmosphere when engaging students learning. I agree with you that students feel safe when they are in a positive and safe classroom. I think that is important because some students are shy and are afraid to take risk in the class, having a class where everyone opinion is respected will have that students willing to partake more in class activities.

  2. How interesting it is to know that a child entering the writing world already has everything he/she needs to become an effective author, when we as teachers find it so hard to teach this skill to them. In this discourse, you reminded us of what we need to do to unleash the writing powers our students possess within them, providing that they are in a student centered environment.


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