Creating a climate for writing


Hi guys, we have come to the end of a wonderful journey, a journey where we explored the different writing genres from persuasive to descriptive and others, the 6 + 1 writing traits and also some best practices teachers used in the classroom.

The past ten weeks have taught me so many things and I hope by interacting with my blogs you also benefitted from the information disseminated. 

In our final session of LIT102, my colleagues and myself looked at an article titled "Creating a Climate for Writing", by now you have guess what this week blog is about. Today I will be blogging about my understanding of the article, what stood out to me and suggestions that will help teachers, teach writing effectively.

Before teachers and students engage in any form of writing, the teacher must first ensure that the classroom atmosphere is conducive for writing. When students feel more secure and safe in a classroom, then they will be more willing to take risk with their ideas and skills without the fear of being ridicule.  When classroom atmosphere is safe and exciting, then the teachers emphasize on each individual unique style of  writing, instead of demoralizing them. 

Having the right classroom atmosphere also help the students develop self-efficacy-which then creates the "I believe me" motivation. 

Self-efficacy influence students decision about the activities they choose, and their level of achievement related to learning.  This type of motivation is developed when positive feedback is provided which allow students the opportunity for improvement. 

Students also develop themselves as self regulators where they are given ample opportunity to monitor and control their thought processes in order to learn.  To become self regulators, teachers must have students engage in these four models.

👉 Self evaluation and monitoring. 

👉 Goal setting and strategy planning. 

👉 Putting a plan into action and monitoring it and 

👉 Monitoring outcomes and refining strategies.

I particularly like these goals because in my opinion they help students to develop themselves as critical thinkers, where they are able to correct their own writing and other classmates without depending on the teacher. having the sense of responsibility will have students willing to take part in  writing exercises. these models also teach students that their thinking process should be done before, during and after each writing activity.

We also looked at intrinsic motivation which can be classified as self-determination, this type of motivation increases when students are allowed to chose their own writing topic based on their interest and curiosity. Being able to choose, give students a chance and allow the rules and classroom atmosphere to change, which will encourage students to be more of an active participant in class activities.

The article spoke about using a variety of tools when teaching writing, these tools can be sand, glitter and paint. By using these or other tools will activate their imagination and interest. Sometimes students find using the same tools to engage them in writing a tad boring. I looked back on my teaching days and realize that I was guilty of using one type of material for all type of writing. For instance using sand can be done to teach about the ocean, students will be able to write a better piece on the ocean by having the sand on hand because the sand will act as either a reminder of the time they spent on the beach or trigger their imagination. 

The writing materials can also be differentiated like use a dry erase board instead of pen and paper, fabric and parchment paper.  These writing materials will help students to be more in tune with the topic and will be hook on the assignment.

The part where teachers create specialized writing areas for the different writers in the class had me intrigued, because I know that not every author is able to sit at a desk and write. And they should also provide opportunities for students who has a lack of confidence in their writing ability, this should be done by having them write about a familiar topic or interest and or giving them choices.

I have to come to the realization that the way I taught writing to my students were hindering their creativity. I often wonder why some students were able to turn in wonderful written pieces while the other students found it difficult. After engaging in the course LIT102 where the main focus was on writing I now know what I have to do when I return to the classroom.

Differentiation was one of the major ideas in this article which I would like to see more of in the classrooms. Catering to the different learning styles in the classroom will ensure that each child is learning but at their own speed. 

✋ Wait before you go, please leave a comment on my post, and also check out my other post I have made for the past few weeks. Thank you and have a great day.


  1. it was a wonderful joiurney indeed. The best was save for last creating a climate for writing. I am in agreement with you that students must be invlove in the four modes of self evaluation and monitoring, goal setting and strategy planning, putting a plan into action and monitoring it and monitoring outcomes and refining strategies. These strategies will help students to use their metacognition skills and think outside the box.

  2. I too enjoyed this writing journey and have learned a lot from all the information shared. I also share the sad experiences of teaching my students writing that was only hindering their progress and creativity. It is good to be made aware of what we can do to remedy our skills as writing teachers and give our students one of the most important things to make them better writers. That being a safe, creative, goal oriented, differentiated learning environment, conducive to learning the skills of writing.


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