Persuasive Writing

This week blog is about Persuasive Writing. Persuasive is a part of everyday life.

What is Persuasive Writing?

Persuasive writing is a written form of an oral debate and can be a fun and interesting style of writing for students.

Persuasive writing is used to convince or persuade a reader that the writer’s opinion of a topic or cause is correct. Persuasive Writing presents an argument, and when it’s effective, writers are convincing, swaying readers to their viewpoint or take action.

When students engage in persuasive writing students must

💢Use a “hook” to grab reader’s attention

💢State a clear position

💢Support your view point with facts, examples and other evidence.

💢Address alternative positions and counterarguments

💢Conclude with a summary of their argument and an appeal to readers.

Engaging in persuasive writing also helps students improve skills such as different styles of writing, writing structure, doing research, and forming evidence based logical conclusions, opinions and arguments.

There are three ways to Persuade:

Appeal on reason, using cause and effect

Appeal to character, what a person recommend if we trust that person

Emotional appeal - win an argument by trying to get an emotional reaction from the opponent and audience.

Students can be given stages to complete their writing. For example the first assignment could be to create a persuasion map. The next assignment could be to create an outline and so on. Once the final draft is finished the students could be paired with a partner for peer review. This gives students the opportunity to analyze another student’s work while also learning about another topic or issue.

Persuasive writing can therefore help students understand the power of the written word and practice using their voice to influence positive change around them.


  1. Yes. I agree that when students engage in persuasive writing, it help them to improve on several skills, which can be transfered to different subjects and their respective careers

  2. I agree it does help student to get their though down on paper which helps them to express themselves by using written language.

  3. That last statement is rightly said. This form of writing acts as a vehicle by which students are able to express or communicate their ideas and views for or against something.


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