Writing strategies

 Writing strategies


In order for students to become better writers there are several writing strategies which can be implement to improve some include: Elaborating, Evaluation, rereading, revising, formatting, generating, monitoring, narrowing, organizing, proof reading, Questioning, setting goals. 

Elaborating - Focuses on the development of ideas using examples, quotes, and giving specific details. 

Evaluating - With this strategy the writer reflects on the material he/she is working on. They may use a rubric to check if they are meeting the required standard. 

Generating - With this strategy the writer gains and collects ideas, data, examples whether from their personal experience or from their research. There are several activities that may generate ideas an example is brainstorming. 

Questioning- With this strategy the writer questions themselves about their approach, ideas and even word choices to determine if they are meeting the requirements.

Monitoring - this is a strategy which deals with examining the piece to determined the errors. This can be done by questioning yourself or getting input from the class.

Narrowing - this is where the writer summaries his / her thoughts.

Organizing - the writer take thoughts and place them in chronological order. 

Proofreading- The writer go through their their work and check for errors.

Rereading - The goes through their work and check if thoughts flow.

Revising-  With this strategy the writer makes addition and subtract words that are not needed.

 These strategies are important for any writer to develop. 


  1. These strategies are quite useful indeed. The inclusion of 'setting goals' ', one of the more powerful strategies is also worthy of elaboration as it (like evaluating, questioning and monitoring, which are metacognitive strategies), helps to regulate the application of all the other strategies throughout the entire writing process.


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