•  Writing Strategies

Hey everybody ๐Ÿ™‹

Let's talk about Writing Strategies

Becoming strategic is an important characteristic of learning. Students learn all sorts of 

cognitive strategies. Most cognitive strategies have direct application to writing, in this way

students' growing awareness about thinking and their writing are mutually supportive.

Here are some Writing Strategies

  • Elaborating - this where writers expand their ideas by adding more details . This strategy is most beneficial during drafting, when students are writing their ideas  and notice their writing lacks more details.

  • Evaluating  writers review and evaluate their own writing by setting goals. During the writing process, writers review to see if it matches their intended meaning.

    • Formatting - this is where writers design the layout of their final writing.  The writer may also include pictures to enhance the text, make sure the front is clear to read and highlights titles.

    • Generating - this is where writers use a collection of words, sentences and ideas for writing, the information that the writer  collected is through research, or other classroom resources.

    • Monitoring - writer's observe their progress and coordinate writing strategies. This meta cognition strategy  plays the role of a supervisor.

    • Narrowing - this is where writer's manage and limit their topic to a specific one.

    • Organizing - writer's sequence their writing and put together ideas.

    • Proofreading - writer's carefully reread their writing to identify errors in spelling and other conventions.

    • Questioning -  writer's  question themselves as they develop their witting piece.

    • Rereading - this is where writer's review their writing to check the flow of ideas and whether they met their goals or not.

    • Setting Goals - set action to oriented goals to direct their writing.

    Writing Strategies



    Locate more information in books


    Complete rubrics and checklist


    Use word processing software


    Make a list


    Get feedback from the teacher


    Create a graphic organizer


    Make an outline


    Use a red pen to edit


    Have open ended question with self

    Setting Goals

    Make a list of goals



     I love these strategies, they are effective, using them can guide students to become better writers.


    1. I agree that these strategies are very effective. Once implemented properly, they iron out all the hang ups teachers and students have about writing and teaching writing

    2. Becoming strategic is truly an important characteristic of learning. I believe this is especially important with the literacy skills, inclusive of writing as, like reading, lends its skills to the development of other subject/content areas. These writing strategies are imperative to our students becoming strategic writers and learners. Including these sample activities go a long way in helping us teachers better understanding what each strategy looks like.

    3. As you identified the different writing strategies which helps to refine students writing and make them more proficient writers.

    4. Good job, these writing strategies that you have identify are important helping student refine their writing and improve their final product.


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