Descriptive Writing

Hey everyone 🙋

Do you know what is descriptive writing?
Let me share.

Descriptive writing is using words to paint a picture. Descriptive writing can be a phrase, 
sentence or a paragraph. 
In order  for students to write descriptively, teachers must encourage students to revise their compositions to paint more vivid word pictures.

There are five techniques in Descriptive writing namely:
  • Specific Information
  • Choosing words carefully
  • Creating sensory images
  • Using Figurative language
  • Writing dialogue
*Specific information may include 
  • Activities and behaviors
  • Characters
  • The setting
  • Attributes
*Word choice can be tricky. Word choice  relates to:
  • Specific nouns such as glass table, sports car
  • Vivid verbs such as  speak- whisper, shout, eat - munch, nibble
  • Colorful modifiers 
  • Avoid repetition
  • Avoid "tired" words such as nice, good
*Sensory images is where writers incorporate the five senses sight, hearing, touch, smell nd taste into their descriptive writing to craft stronger images and make their word pictures more vivid. There is a quick image that comes to mind as you read these sensory phrases.

*Figurative language
Students should try personification, incorporate onomatopoeia, craft comparisons, play with idioms and avoid clichés in their descriptive writing.
When students use these figurative language tools, they elevate words about their everyday meaning.

Writers can show, not tell through dialogue instead of summarizing what the characters talk about. However, when using dialogue they should punctuate correctly.

These techniques make writing come alive. So we must encourage our students to incorporate these  techniques in their descriptive writing.


  1. Yes, descriptive can be a word, phrase or sentence. choosing the write words to use is the whole essence of descriptive writing. using the incorrect words with have he readers confused as to what the writer tried to accomplish. Incorporating the techniques you mention, should make teaching and learning writing more easier and fun for both students and teachers.

  2. It is indeed imperative to encourage these techniques in our students' writing. Without them, the whole idea of descriptive writing will be a very dull and meaningless experience for them and the reader (s).

  3. The incorporation of these techniques would be vital in enhancing student writing to make it more vivid and interesting.


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