Writing Conferencing and Workshops

 Writing workshops are essential for helping students with developing their writing skills. These workshops are used to take students through each step of the writing process. It is important to note that students are not just writing for writing’s sake. However, they are taken through this process with the intent of learning to write. 

The Conference has three main parts sharing, mini lesson, and worktime. These are important for a successful conference. Sharing refers to the time that students are given to listen, read and speak about their classmates’ ideas. The mini lesson involves the teacher divulging in a concept that maybe useful for taking them to the next step. The worktime is where students are given an opportunity to complete a step in the process.

Going through each step of the writing process allow students to really grasp what it means to write good pieces. Although, teachers may get confused and assume that these workshops can be used as time for teaching spelling, disseminate writing projects, or be used for journaling. These elements are important. However, they do not directly impact the students’ writing development.

In addition, the writing process allows students to work at their own pace. Although, it is important to have students writing at the same stage. If students are at different stages, it may pose a problem. If the mini lesson is teaching a specific topic that pertains to a certain stage, it will cause students to miss important concepts. As they are not at the stage to implement them.

Furthermore, finding time is key for implementing this writing conference. It is important that as teachers we tighten up our schedule so that it accommodates for students writing time.

In conclusion, the writing workshop is essential to develop good writings. There might be some stumbling blocks that prevent you from attaining a good conference however, finding the time really aids with students’ development. Continual writing is good. However, without guidance from an expert writer students would stagnate. Thus, writing conferencing  is a great tool that can be used to develop students writing skills.



  1. I agree with you, Writing Workshop is a very good essential strategy that can develop good writings and even good writers, in our classrooms from the lower grades to the upper grades. It is also important to have conferencing during the writing workshop so the students can see where they are going wrong and improve.

  2. You pointed out some key facts especially the three parts which makes up the writing workshop. it is imperative for other to note that these three parts should be taught together and also that the workshops main job is to have students develop the love of writing.

  3. The Writing Workshop is really a good tool to help our students develop good writing skills. And it really would take us as teachers, to become, if not experts, but, at least have a certain level of experience and be readily organized to conduct it. I really liked how you pointed out that "students are not writing for writing sake." This really hit home, as I am one of the guilty ones who have been teaching writing for the sake of writing or for a grade to put in my mark book. Really good point. I am not sure though, if it is really all that important to have the students writing at the same level, as this to me is near impossible in a mixed ability class where some students really struggle to write. Yes it will indeed be easier, but what is more important, from my understanding is that they all be taught and guided through the writing process and develop competency in each skill to get a piece of writing done.


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