
  1. Writing Workshop is a structure for teaching the writing process, in which students think about what they are going to write ,generate their topic, drafting, edit and share what is written.

    What I like about the writing workshop it tailored to any grade where the lower grade can use word card with pictures to write sample sentences or write simple words on how they spend their Saturdays. I also like how it is divided into three parts, the mini lesson in duration of 10 minutes, worktime, duration of 25 - 30 minutes in which the students independently work on their writing. Then the share time, a duration of 5 minutes, where they share what they have written.

    It is student centered, where students are given the opportunity to choose a topic of their choice and write at their own pace. I personally think the writing workshop should be implemented in our classrooms at least twice per week, where students can improve their writing skills and develop a love for writing.

    However, during my school years, I have not have that opportunity to write, hence I am struggling with writing as an individual. The writing workshop is very a good strategy where it will help make the students writing become better.

  2. Sometimes as teachers we forget that the lessons are not about us but for the students. the writing workshops and conference is designed to ensure that students are at the focal point at all time. I love the point where you believed that writing workshops should be implemented into the classrooms. By doing this teachers will have the opportunity to see what they have been doing wrong when teaching writing and ways to rectify them.


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