Becoming your own expert

Teaching writing is important for any classroom. For students to be successful, I think it is important that the teacher is a skilled writer him/herself. Sometimes as teachers we get caught up with creating assignments and grading assignments. However, I now realize how important it is for teachers to be involved in the writing process as well.

The article mentioned some key reasons for teachers to be involved in the writing process. First, the more we practice the better we get. This is accurate as we practice any skill, we are bound to develop our skills in this field. Also, the better we get become as writers; we can be a positive example for students. I think this is very essential for a student writer. With any new writer a good example provides techniques, approaches, and methods to develop a well written piece.

In addition, when the teacher is involved in the writing process, they develop empathy for their students. This gives the teacher a better scope of the student’s experience. This allows us as teachers to set question papers that are more interesting, feasible, and attainable.

 Furthermore, providing extensive feedback can be beneficial for student’s growth. Although, writing multiple times may improve writing. Feedback from an experience writer will boost their development as they continue with their writing development.

In conclusion, the writing process can be a long and arduous experience. However, when the teacher is involved, it can ease the difficulty of the process. Becoming a positive example aids student’s ability to develop techniques and approaches for completing tasks. Giving wide-ranging feedback can aid in the student’s overall development as a writer.





  1. This is a great summary of the article. Everything in a nutshell. I especially liked however that you made reference to the fact that, "Sometimes as teachers we get caught up with creating assignments and grading assignments,". You are so right about this. While this is true to all subject areas that we teach, writing, should be not be treated as such. I find that we teach writing/composition as a subject for the mere purpose of collecting a grade and not as the skill we are supposed to be developing in our students for them to be able to use in all other content areas. Teaching it in that way I believe, is what robs the joy and fun out of it and replaces it with frustration for both teachers and students. As was mentioned becoming writers ourselves and giving feedback to support and guide them, go a very long way in developing our students writing abilities.

  2. I agree with your interpretation of the article, because teachers myself included were guilty of teaching writing just for grades and not as a skill that students need to used in their everyday life.

  3. A very good summary, so that mean your teacher have been writing with you. lol. I agree with you, this article has touch me very personal because I am not a good writer, so going forward I need to make my students better writers than I am. In doing this, I will adhere with the article and write with my students, provide feedback and give them a choice on choosing their topic.

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